Supplies List


  1.  2 boxes of 24 crayon
  2.  2 boxes of #2 pencils, sharpened if possible
  3.  Pencil top erasers or large pink erasers
  4.  Pencil box or zippered bag for crayons
  5.  15 glue sticks
  6.  1 pair Fiskar brand scissors
  7.  2 packages low odor dry-erase markers-black only
  8.  Highlighters 
  9.  Post it notes 
  10.  1 box snack size Ziploc bags
  11.  1 box sandwich size Ziploc bag
  12.  Band-Aid
  13.  3 composition wide ruled notebooks 
  14.  Package of heavyweight page protectors
  15.  2 containers disinfectant wipes
  16.  2 large boxes of tissues to share
  17.  5 three pronged plastic pocket folders
  18.  Ear buds